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Track #1 - UI/UX

Untitled design (3)

Problem Statement

Create a user-centered UI/UX design that transforms the patient journey by enabling effortless access to digital health records, simplifying appointment scheduling, and facilitating secure, personalized communication with healthcare providers. Your design should prioritize usability, ensuring that patients can navigate the healthcare process with ease, without the need for physical documents, while maintaining the highest standards of privacy and data security. This design can focus on general health and well-being or be tailored to address a specific diagnosis or prognosis. The goal is to design an intuitive, cohesive experience that addresses the diverse needs of patients, enhancing their overall interaction with the healthcare system.


  • Open to designers, developers and professionals with a background in UI/UX design, technology or healthcare.
  • Current students and professionals in relevant fields are eligible.
  • Open to participants from anywhere in the world.

Open Source Requirement

  • All designs submitted should be open source. This means that your design files, prototypes and any related resources should be made publicly available under a suitable open-source license.

Prize Money

  • The winner will receive a prize money of $3000.
  • All participants/teams will receive a certificate of participation in recognition of their efforts.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Innovative Approach: Designs will be evaluated on their creativity and originality. The solution should introduce new ideas or techniques that significantly improve the patient journey, offering a unique perspective on how digital health records, appointment scheduling, and secure communication can be integrated seamlessly.

  • User-Friendly Design: The ease of use and accessibility of the design will be key factors. A successful submission should prioritize a simple, intuitive interface that allows patients of all ages and tech literacy levels to navigate the healthcare process effortlessly. The design should minimize complexity and provide clear, concise pathways for users to accomplish tasks.

  • Patient-Centered Focus: The design must clearly identify and cater to the specific needs and preferences of patients. Submissions should demonstrate a deep understanding of the patient experience, with features tailored to enhance the user's interaction with healthcare services, whether for general well-being or a specific diagnosis.

  • Viable Marketing Strategy: The solution should not only be practical but also marketable. Submissions will be judged on how well the design could be promoted and adopted by healthcare providers and patients. This includes the potential for real-world implementation and the ability to communicate the design's value effectively to stakeholders.

  • Feasibility: Submissions will be evaluated on their practicality and the ease with which the design can be implemented. The solution should be technically feasible and scalable, with consideration given to cost, available resources, and integration with existing healthcare systems. The solution should demonstrate a clear path from concept to execution, addressing any potential challenges in implementation and long-term sustainability.

Submission Guidelines

  • Format: Submissions should include a detailed design document (PDF), wireframes or prototypes (Figma, Adobe XD, etc.), and a presentation video (up to 5 minutes) explaining the design concept, features, and potential impact.

  • Deadline: All submissions must be received by September 30, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.

  • Team Composition: Submissions can be made by individuals or team members. 

  • Submission Platform: All entries should be uploaded to the submission form, with links to any external resources (e.g., prototypes) provided in the submission form.



Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate in the challenge?

The challenge is open to individuals and teams worldwide, including students,professionals, and design enthusiasts. There is no restriction on the field of study or work background.

What tools can I use for the design?

Participants are free to use any design tools they are comfortable with, including Figma,  Adobe XD, Sketch, or others. The final submission should include a format that can be easily reviewed by the judging panel.

Are there any specific requirements for the design?

The design should prioritize user-friendliness, privacy, and data security. It can focus on general health or target a specific medical condition. Submissions must demonstrate how the design enhances the patient journey.

Can I make changes to my submission after I've uploaded it?

No, participants can’t make changes after they have submitted.

How will the winners be selected?

Winners will be selected based on the judging criteria, including innovation, usability, patient-centered focus, and the viability of the marketing strategy.

What level of technical depth is expected in my submission?

Your submission should include enough detail to explain how your solution works to  demonstrate its feasibility and innovation.

Will I retain the rights to my design?

Yes, participants will retain the rights to their designs. However, by participating, you  grant the organizers the right to showcase your work in promotional materials related to the challenge.

our judges

Kristen Valdes

Kristen Valdes

Founder and CEO at bwell Connected Health

Sam Ward

Sam Ward

Founder at Alderman+Ward


Josh Ambrose

Director at Pava Center for Entrepreneurship at Johns Hopkins University


Reena B.

Clinical Professor, Institute of Medical Educators, Kaiser Permanente.


Nikunj Kotecha

Senior Solutions Architect -BrainChip

Challenge Timeline

  1. September 2, 2024 🌐 Global

    Registration Opens πŸ“

  2. September 10, 2024

    Registration Closes ⏰

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  3. September 11, 2024

    Challenge Kick-Off & Release of Materials πŸš€

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  4. September 20, 2024

    Mid-Challenge Checkpoint ⏳

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  5. October 1, 2024

    Submission Deadline πŸ“€

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  6. October 3, 2024

    Final Presentations 🎀

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  7. October 4, 2024

    Judging Period πŸ§‘β€βš–οΈ

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  8. October 6, 2024

    Winners Announced πŸ†

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