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Track #2 - Medical AI Assistant (MAIA)

Untitled design (4)

Problem Statement

Imagine having a digital health record that you control, similar to your email or retirement accounts. A complete and accurate health record that you can easily share, in part or entirely, with your healthcare providers, and that works seamlessly with new AI-based medical assistants as they are developed.
Currently, the role of medical AI in the patient journey is largely driven by hospitals and institutions, rather than by physicians and patients. The problem with a hospital-driven patient journey is that hospitals do not have a fiduciary relationship with the patient as a doctor does. 
This challenge seeks to create a decentralized alternative that allows for separately chosen applications for health records and medical AI assistants. 
In this decentralized system, patients and physicians must have the freedom to choose both the health record that manages data and the medical AI assistant that interprets and learns from that data. To achieve this, a standard is needed to connect health records with AI assistants. The recently completed Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol (GNAP) by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) provides the necessary standard to secure these connections. This challenge focuses on innovating Medical AI Assistants (MAIA) while supporting patient-centered health records and GNAP-controlled access as open-source software.
For more details, please watch this video and visit this Github Repository for Demo.


  • This challenge is open to developers, AI researchers, software engineers, and  
    innovators interested in advancing patient-centered care through AI and secure health 
    data management.
  • Individuals or teams from anywhere in the world may participate.

Challenge Requirements

  • HIE of One will provide open-source software on GitHub for health records, GNAP, and an example MAIA. Participants are encouraged to extend or completely replace the MAIA component and submit a video demonstrating their proposed innovation for the patient journey.

  • To adhere to judging criteria and open-source principles, submissions must be based on one or more of the synthetic patient records available. While testing MAIA on actual patient records is allowed, submissions containing identifiable real patient data will be disqualified.

  • The example MAIA provided uses OpenAI GPT-4o, but participants are encouraged to explore other large language models, local language models, or even split or federated learning models.


  • Open participation is strongly encouraged and will factor into the judging. Confidential entries are allowed and may be reviewed at the judge’s discretion. Leading confidential submissions may be shown on the Challenge website with their score and a contact email.

Prize Money

  • Winner - $2000
  • 1st Runner-up - $600
  • 2nd Runner-up - $400
All participants/teams will receive a certificate of participation in recognition of their efforts.

Reference Links

Submission Guidelines

  • Format : Submission videos (5 minutes or less) of MAIA must be uploaded to YouTube for judging and must be based on open-source code in GitHub. The Challenge website will feature a leaderboard displaying the top contributions, updated as judging proceeds. Participants are encouraged to engage through comments on YouTube and issues on GitHub.

  • Submission Platform: Participants must register with an individual or team name with email on the Challenge website. Registered participants will provide links to their YouTube video and GitHub repository to initiate the judging process. Scoring will be based on a 5-minute video that should combine elements of a demonstration with business and sustainability plans. Judges may contact participants with specific questions about submissions.

  • Deadline: All submissions must be received by September 30, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Novelty, including technical and business aspects (0-5 points).
  • Applicability relevant to a broad range of patient journeys, with a focus on MAIA for patients, physicians, clinicians, or other caregivers (0-5 points).
  • Impact on the target population(s) (0-5 points).
  • Open-Source availability including any improvements to health records and GNAP implementations (0-3 points).
The Challenge leaderboard leaderboard will rank submissions based on the sum of the four criteria.

our judges

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio.
Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis.

James T. Kirk

CEO & Founder

Leonard McCoy

Vice President & Dir. of Marketing

Nyota Uhura

Creative Director

Janice Rand

Creative Director


Frequently Asked Questions

What components are provided by HIE of One?

Open-source software for the EHR and GNAP components, along with an example MAIA software demo is provided.

Do participants need to modify the other components provided by HIE of One?

Software provided can be modified at the participant's discretion. HIE of One software is licensed under Affero GPL3, and accepted improvements will be made available to all participants. MAIA example software is MIT licensed.

What is the licensing requirement for the MAIA component?

There is no licensing requirement for the MAIA component submitted. However, open-source submissions will score higher.

What kind of security standards are required?

Standards for signing MAIA documents to be added to the health record are encouraged but not required.

What are the deliverables for the challenge?

 A 5-minute video and corresponding source code on GitHub, along with a sample synthetic patient dataset.

How will the submissions be judged?

Judging will be based on novelty, applicability, impact, and open-source availability. 
Please note that no feedback will be provided beyond the judging scores. Participants are encouraged to post comments on YouTube and issues on GitHub. Email inquiries to info@trustee.ai may receive a response.

Can participants work in teams?

Yes. Be sure to list all team members in your submission.

Challenge Timeline

  1. September 2, 2024 🌐 Global

    Registration Opens 📝

  2. September 12, 2024

    Registration Closes ⏰

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  3. September 11, 2024

    Challenge Kick-Off & Release of Materials 🚀

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  4. September 20, 2024

    Mid-Challenge Checkpoint ⏳

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  5. October 1, 2024

    Submission Deadline 📤

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  6. October 3, 2024

    Final Presentations 🎤

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  7. October 4, 2024

    Judging Period 🧑‍⚖️

    Sample text

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  8. October 6, 2024

    Winners Announced 🏆

    Sample text

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